Sound wave Therapy in boardman,Ohio

Sound wave therapy – also known as extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) – is a quick, non-surgical, and painless treatment performed to stimulate regrowth of tissue. At Gainan Chiropractic , we perform ESWT right in our offices.
Low and high-frequency sound waves are used to cause microtrauma to the tissue under the skin, which stimulates the body's natural healing process in the area. Originally used to break up kidney stones, ESWT is used to break up a scar or other tissue and encourage tissue repair and regrowth. ESWT can alleviate pain associated with a number of conditions, including:
Achilles tendon injuries
Erectile dysfunction 
Golfer’s elbow
Ligament injuries
Plantar fasciitis
Rotator cuff injuries
Tennis elbow
Trigger finger
What You Can Expect with Sound Wave Therapy
During the procedure, you simply lay back as a wand is gently moved over the surface of your skin, sending sound waves to the target area. While the device makes a loud clicking noise as it works, the procedure is entirely painless.
Like similar services offered atGainan Chiropractic , ESWT triggers your body to repair the damaged area. Thus, it may be weeks before you notice the full effect of the therapy.
Each session takes under a half-hour to complete. Multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve your desired results.
Sound wave therapy is yet another way to relieve your pain or other symptoms without medication or having to resort to surgery. It’s an excellent addition to any pain management treatment plan.
Gainan Chiropractic Offers Sound Wave Therapy
Don’t wait until your tendon ruptures or your soft tissue injury worsens. Call the Office and ask what sound wave therapy can do for you. You can also request an appointment or sign up for a complimentary consultation to find out more about services we offer, including ESWT.
(330 ) 629-9476

Gainan Chiropractic & Massotherapy Center

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