Back Pain and peanuts

Back pain warning - the snack you should avoid at all costs to avoid backache

Back pain warning - the snack you should avoid at all costs to avoid backache

BACK pain could be prevented by changing your diet, or by swapping your sleep position. You could lower your risk of backache symptoms by avoiding this snack at all costs. It could help to prevent back pain.

Back pain is a common condition that affects most people at some point in their lifetime, according to the NHS. It could be caused by sleeping in the wrong position, having bad posture, or even by having a minor injury. But, you could be making your back pain worse by regularly eating peanuts, it’s been claimed.

Some people may find that eating peanuts makes their backache worse, revealed medical website Medical News Today.

That’s because peanuts could be triggering inflammation in certain individuals, it said.

Inflammation may be a key cause of back pain, and avoiding inflammatory foods is an easy way to relieve your pain, it revealed.

“Back pain after eating is often the result of referred pain,” said the medical website.

“This is pain that originates in one area of the body and radiates to another.

“People with allergies or intolerances to certain foods may experience inflammation after eating them.

If they already have back pain, the inflammation can make symptoms worse.

“Examples of foods that may trigger inflammation and back pain include alcohol, dairy, gluten, peanuts, and sugar.”

Your back pain after eating could also be caused by heartburn, it added.

Heartburn is a digestive condition that causes a burning pain in the chest, and symptoms can include a sour taste in the mouth, and a sore throat.

Avoiding chocolate, caffeine, spicy foods and tomatoes could all limit your risk of heartburn, and subsequently back pain.

Regular exercise and doing stretches could also help to prevent back pain from returning, said the NHS.

Speak to a GP or physiotherapist for advice on which exercises to try, said the NHS.

Those most at risk of developing back pain are people that are overweight. Losing just a few pounds could help to prevent the condition.

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